Lesson Overview

Lesson Material
Hello Educators! Check out the lesson overview for our 7th Grade Learning Power in-class field trip on invention and innovation. Interested in us coming to your classroom? Schedule a visit!
Georgia Standards of Excellence
Lesson Focus: Compare inventions vs. innovations, explore innovations as they relate to electricity and demonstrate how innovations simplify tasks.
MSENGR-II-1. Students will learn the concept of invention and innovation.
- a. Define related invention and innovation terms.
- b. Compare invention to innovation.
- d. Identify an important past invention or innovation.
Key Concepts:
- Invention and Innovation
- Electricity Usage
- Phantom Load
- Energy Efficiency
- Careersin Energy
Class Activities
Lesson Objectives
- Define, identify, and compare invention and innovation.
- Describe innovations in the field of electricity generation and distribution
Part 1: Invention and Innovation
Introduce the concepts of invention and innovation using familiar items as examples.
Part 2: Telegraph to Smartphones
- Snap CircuitsĀ®
- Student Handout: Morse Code
- Student Handout: Telegraph
Purpose of Activity:
Demonstrate open and closed circuits using a button switch and a noisemaker to build a model telegraph. Explore the history and innovation of communication technology.
Part 3: Smart Grid
- Snap CircuitsĀ®
- Student Handout: Smart Grid
Purpose of Activity:
Explore some innovations in the field of electricity transmission and distribution. Identify and describe Smart Grid technology
Part 4: Careers
Explore some career opportunities that are available at Georgia Power.
Additional Resources (Website Only)
- Student Handout: Thermostat Setting
Purpose of Activity:
Recognize how energy usage is impacted by daily activities. Compare periods of high usage to periods of low usage using equations.