Lesson Overview

Hello Educators! Check out the lesson overview for our 4th Grade Learning Power in-class field trip on hydroelectric power and simple machines. Interested in us coming to your classroom? Schedule a visit!
Georgia Standards of Excellence
Lesson Focus: Explore the use of simple machines and discuss how gravitational force affects the motion of an object.
S4P3. Obtain, evaluate and communicate information about the relationship between balanced and unbalanced forces.
- b. Construct an argument to support the claim that gravitational force affects the motion of an object.
- c. Ask questions to identify and explain the uses of simple machines (lever, pulley, wedge, inclined plane, wheel and axle, and screw) and how forces are changed when simple machines are used to complete tasks.
Class Activities
Lesson Objectives
- Review an augmented reality experience of a Georgia Power hydropower plant
- Identify simple machines found within the power plant
- Discuss careers related to hydropower and the energy industry
- Build a simple machine and explain what job(s) it makes easier
- Discuss ways to save energy and be energy efficientÂ
Part 1: Augmented Reality Experience
- iPads with Google Expedition
- Augmented Reality (AR) Video Tour of Morgan Falls Hydroelectric Power Plant
- Worksheet for simple machines
Purpose of Activity:
Students will take a virtual field trip through one of Georgia Power’s hydro plants and explore components within the plant while identifying and recording as many simple machines as they can.
Part 2: Simple Machine Mystery Boxes
- Simple machine mystery boxes
Purpose of Activity:
Students will work in teams to evaluate the components in their mystery box, determine which simple machine they have, and construct the simple machine.
Part 3: Discussion
- Worksheet for simple machines
Purpose of activity:
Teams will discuss the type of simple machine they built, how it was used in the hydropower plant, and what job it makes easier. Education coordinator will discuss careers in the energy industry and review energy efficiency tips.